5 Fruits and Veggies That Can Help Support Your Toddler's Immune System

A young boy sitting in a grocery shopping cart helps his smiling mother pass a fresh pineapple to a cashier at the checkout.

You may not always be able to control your little one’s environment, but giving them foods that contain Vitamins A and C can help strengthen their immune system, and keep their body healthy as they begin to explore everything around them. The following five fruits and vegetables are delicious sources of vitamin A and vitamin C, which can give your toddler the support they need now that they are a little more independent.

A green apple.

1. Apple

Apples are great because, not only are they juicy and naturally sweet, but they contain Vitamin C. As the old proverb says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”

A sweet potato

2. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes’ orange color is related to their rich vitamin A content, an antioxidant which also helps keep your toddler’s skin healthy.

A whole pineapple

3. Pineapple

Pineapples are a tasty and nutritious treat that’s packed with vitamin C.

A strawberry.

4. Strawberry

Strawberries are fun to eat because of their sweetness and bright red color. They also have fiber and are a rich source of vitamin C.

Three blueberries.

5. Blueberry

Blueberries are like nature’s candy, but a nutritious one! Your toddler will love them and they contain vitamin C.

Giving these nutrient-rich foods to your toddler is an easy way to ensure they’re getting the nutrition they need to help their little body grow up big, strong and ready for their adventures!